About the Wee Healthy Bag

Wee Healthy Bag

About the Wee Healthy Bag

Each Wee Healthy Bag aims to make big healthy changes. The idea is that people arm themselves with health, each Wee Healthy Bag wants to be born into healthy hands and taken on a healthy, active journey. I may be wee, but I want to shout a loud healthy message and have a huge healthy impact.  

The Wee Healthy Bag wants to tackle one of the United Kingdom's public health threats, obesity.

Each Wee Healthy Bag wants to positively influence people into making healthy choices and are on a quest to make the World healthier. Each Wee Bag wants to help improve the health of the nation; they want to help create a positive culture of health, positively influencing healthy choices. Each Wee Bag wants to increase the awareness of the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and play an active role in encouraging healthy food choices and an active lifestyle whilst having fun, we truly believe in a holistic approach to health. 

Also, because each Wee Healthy Bag is a bit of a show off, they want people to share their healthy habits on social media spreading the healthy message, the amount of steps your Wee Healthy Bag has done in the week and daily healthy habits. Each Wee Healthy Bag wants to be a healthy role model, inspire healthy habits, encourage healthier options and want to play an important role in shaping a healthy culture.

Wee Healthy Bag wants to help create a healthier tomorrow for everyone.  We believe we must prioritise creating health, nurturing environments to create a truly healthier tomorrow for everyone. We like to look at health from a holistic approach, we think that getting into healthy habits from a young age is key to a healthier tomorrow. We believe in preventive steps when it comes to creating a healthier tomorrow, particularly making healthy, good habits at the start of a kids journey.